and the other people around her were on alert. Stacks of Resentment Talismans were taken out and burned continuously, as well as the burning ashes of the Rain Talisman and the Poison Avoidance Talisman. They gathered together in large quantities and turned into a thin gray snake surrounding everyone.

and the other people around her were on alert. Stacks of Resentment Talismans were taken out and burned continuously, as well as the burning ashes of the Rain Talisman and the Poison Avoidance Talisman. They gathered together in large quantities and turned into a thin gray snake surrounding everyone.
Countless red mist gathered and turned into a blurry red shadow that looked like a humanoid shape, rushing toward the crowd along with the flying witches and resentful spirits.
For a moment, it seemed as if Shanzhuang and the others were standing on an isolated island in turbulent waters, surrounded by blood-red poisonous sea currents. Countless reds attacked them from all directions.
Lin Xin’s face darkened and he gently pressed the hilt of the sword.
Countless white sword energy suddenly fell from the sky.
Like raindrops, the red shadows in the sky were continuously knocked down, and each sword energy was like a sharp thorn, piercing the ground hard.
Some of the sword energy even penetrated the red shadow, along with the resentful spirits below, and finally pierced a deep hole in the ground.
Lin Xin’s hand on the sword hilt slowly loosened his grip. He didn’t know when a rough figure appeared in front of him.
“Honglou came to see the teacher, did you ask me first?” Nan Shunqing laughed, his figure changed from virtual to real, and he appeared in front of the Villa and the others. He actually didn’t set off and stayed near the villa.
“Crazy young man?! You’re just a junior! Look at my magic weapon!”
The leading witch was so angry that she waved her sleeves, and a bloody ring flew out and hit Nan Shunqing directly.
/“Are you afraid!?” Nan Shunqing let out a loud roar, his stomach bulged, one hand came out of his trousers, and he fiercely greeted the big witch.
/Xuezhu and the others behind him couldn’t help laughing. Speak up.
Nan Shunqing also blushed. His third hand was extremely powerful, but he was a little embarrassed. Every time he used it, a big hole would break out of his pants or belly.
Fortunately, the big hand stretched out longer and longer, and soon it spanned more than ten meters. It grabbed the leader of the big witch who was flying into the air. With a pop, the big witch exploded with great force. The big witch was in pain and couldn’t help but suffer. He screamed, and the sound of being squeezed came out.
Nan Shunqing sneered, grabbed his hands again, and easily brought out ten rays of white light sword energy, which flew out like crescent moons and shot around.
The seemingly irregular sword energy was faintly glowing with silver light, and it cut through all the red mist and wooden stakes without any hindrance.
Xuezhu and others also followed suit at this time, rushing out one after another. The transparent talisman swords exploded one after another, directly cutting off the wooden stakes that were no longer guarded around them.
Gradually, the red mist in the woods dissipated, leaving only the stabbed killers in the red building, lying on the ground una