nows how long. However, freedom and the Atlanteans may have no spare power, or they may have some unknown secret. Calculating, adopting an invisible laissez-faire attitude towards all kinds of chaos…

nows how long. However, freedom and the Atlanteans may have no spare power, or they may have some unknown secret. Calculating, adopting an invisible laissez-faire attitude towards all kinds of chaos…
Queens, New York, is only more than 180 square kilometers. From a purely area perspective, it is ridiculously small as a ‘grazing land’ for gods, but from a population perspective, As an international metropolitan area, although migration and war have reduced its population by one-third, Queens is still home to 1.4 million people of all races.
Such a population is comparable to that in the world of Shrimp II A medium-sized city is already considered a ‘rich’ parish.
In the blink of an eye, it has been two weeks since Zhang Lisheng returned to Earth.
In the evening, there was another icy rainstorm in the sky. Food delivery trucks were escorted by armored vehicles and circling armed helicopters. Next, regardless of the pleadings and curses of the ragged and depressed refugees who were waiting in long lines to receive food, they fired warning shots into the air to disperse the crowd and hurriedly drove away from the dirty streets of the Bronx, New York.
Outside a warehouse with a closed iron gate on the street, Zhang Lisheng was wearing a thick rubber raincoat. After watching the convoy go away, his face showed cold joy, and he looked at a man standing on the right with a fleshy face, missing front teeth, and black hair. The stocky black man, whose thick purple lips parted into a smile that revealed an indescribable viciousness, said: “Look Hubble, the Bronx is about to be given up by freedom. ”
Your Majesty,” the stocky black man laughed, and replied in a tone that was far wiser than he appeared: “In order to prevent the mob from snatching food, there are Rhino armored vehicles and Black Hawk helicopter gunships. A piece of bread needs to be consumed.” Two loaves of bread are simply more wasteful than aiding the Democratic Republic of the Congo in peacetime. What can we do if we don’t give up?
/Of course, the pretentious food delivery will still continue, but the size of the fleet must be getting smaller and smaller. Filling the remaining fuel into the cremator and waiting to burn all the refugees who starve to death is the best way to solve the problem once and for all. Smart approach. ”
Hearing his words, the stocky black man’s eyes lit up with an unknown light, and he sighed and interrupted the young man’s words, “Unfortunately, I converted to the God of Wuli more than ten months later than High Priest Catherine.
The current church was founded by her, and no matter what, God will not allow me to take her place. ”
I just said you are a wise man, Hubble,” Zhang Lisheng nodded with a smile in the pouring rain, “As the founder of the Wu Li Cult, Catherine is indeed irreplaceable, so you can only pursue a relatively free status…” ”
Hearing these unfinished words, Hubble fell into deep thought. The young man waited quietly without saying a word. After a few minutes, he heard the short black man say fi