most sincere prayers, and I would like to praise your glory forever…”; “Great conqueror, your divine name will one day be heard throughout the Fire Islands, and your enemies will eventually be numbered. Kneel down at your feet…” I felt a heat between my brows and my mind became trance-like.

most sincere prayers, and I would like to praise your glory forever…”; “Great conqueror, your divine name will one day be heard throughout the Fire Islands, and your enemies will eventually be numbered. Kneel down at your feet…” I felt a heat between my brows and my mind became trance-like.
When exhausted, the terrifying giant eye burst open like an oval insect egg suspended in the air, and a mouth, nose, and eyes were born inside. A monster with a human head and a snake body, with broken ears, decayed skin, and a head full of dry black hair.
Chapter 454: ‘Return to the Ancestors’
The power of faith of the millions of natives on Wuli Island has not been harvested for a year; although the conversion time of the seventeen newly conquered islands is relatively short, the number of believers is large, and the massive power of faith formed by the two is within ten years. As the eight Wuli totem poles burned, they gathered into the tribe’s ancestral land through some mysterious channel and merged into Zhang Lisheng’s soul, sketching a lifelike chaotic world in the young man’s mind. Standing in the chaotic world, Zhang Lisheng suddenly felt that he was transformed into a huge ape with three heads and six arms, and golden hair. It ran for a long time, and suddenly turned into a huge eyeball, furiously emitting infinite invisible power, tearing apart in vain. The surrounding sky is pitch black.
/After the monster appeared, it was swimming and boiling in the chaos. At this time, countless light clusters shining like stars fell from the dark sky and were swallowed by it.
I don’t know how much time passed, how many meteors were swallowed by the monster with a human head and a snake body. As the number of falling stars on the sky gradually decreased, the prayers of tens of millions of Wu Li people rang in Zhang Lisheng’s ears again. In a blink of an eye, I looked around and everything had returned to normal.
/“The monkey and the ‘eyeball’ are the beast souls that I absorbed. It is not surprising that they appear in the imaginary world in my mind.
But what is that monster with a human head and a snake body with a head exactly like mine? The ‘witch’ breaks through the door of death. He appeared at that time, and now he appears again at the Cultivation Sacrifice Sect.” The young man was a little dazed and stood for a while before gradually waking up. Recalling the situation when he was picking up the power of faith, he frowned and murmured: “Could it be that It’s really an atavism…
No, no. Even if I am an atavism, as a man, I should trace the bloodline of Fuxi’s ancestor and incarnate into a human-headed dragon-body. How could I become a human-headed snake-body…
By the way, Su Deli gave me a ‘witch’ guide The cultivating method of the priests is a true method. Is it possible to communicate with the ‘ancestral witches’ and ancient gods without breaking through to the land witches? After the ‘qualitative change’, the ancestors and gods can gain more unpredictable magical powers and ‘charge up’!
This must be t