No. 800-level mirror processing…” Zhao Song replied expressionlessly, “The all-steel back shell ground by the islanders is almost the same as a mirror. Wu “Can Ming do it?”

No. 800-level mirror processing…” Zhao Song replied expressionlessly, “The all-steel back shell ground by the islanders is almost the same as a mirror. Wu “Can Ming do it?”
“…No.” Xu Liangying said sadly.
“So, don’t complain, honestly improve the production process, and strive to be as good as the islanders as soon as possible.”
“But the yield rate of the shells we make now is 100%!” Xu Liangying said enthusiastically.
At this time, the Daben convoy had turned out of the Airport Expressway and was approaching Jiuxianqiao Road.
Listening to Zhao Song’s words, Xu Liangying looked out the window blankly, but there was really no good scenery to see in the dirty and messy Jiuxianqiao area.
After a long time, she changed the subject and said,
“I saw the advertisement. It was really well done. After reading it, I already wanted to buy another one.”
“Thank you.”
“How is it over there in Wanwan?”
“It’s pretty good. ”
/Zhao Song nodded, “Hua Shi has made another move.”
“Can you handle it?”
“Of course.”
“But everyone doesn’t understand. I’ve consulted many financial experts and they are not optimistic about your ability to achieve strategic direction. Victory.”
Zhao Song shrugged and said indifferently:
“But regardless of strategy or tactics, I can remain undefeated, and under the command of Liao Yingzhu, I can at least make a profit.”
Xu Liangying shook her head and asked in confusion. Why? Zhao Song, if you lose, you will not only make some money, but also offend a lot of people.”

Zhao Song looked at Xu Liangying’s concerned and angry expression. She put away her anxiety and explained patiently:
“First, in addition to making money, I want to open up the entire industry chain, which is not just the OEM industry. You should know this!”
Xu Liangying nodded.
“Second, it is to issue a warning to some flower growers!”
“Warning?” Xu Liangying looked at Zhao Song curiously, “What kind of warning.”
“Sister, you know, compared to the private capital of flower growers, I expect more
“Why?” ”
Because…” Zhao Song said with
a profound look, “American Capital is just sucking blood in the manufacturing industry
. And the future flower-growing and financial industry will eat up the manufacturing industry, even chewing up the bones. Finally, they will turn their heads and spit, saying with disdain: “Bah, low-end!
” …..”
Looking at Xu Liangying’s shocked look, Zhao Song smiled and said solemnly, word by word: “I have been in fantasy for a few times but I haven’t cleaned it up, which makes everyone think that I am easy to talk to, but I can’t use it. Soon, everyone will see mountains of blood and corpses everywhere in Wanwan!
I want to show everyone who dares to mess with me what will happen if
I put Xu Liangying in the 798 Park ! Doing business, the Mercedes-Benz convoy continued to move towards the city hall.
Until this moment, the driver Ermao, who had been silent, swallowed with fear and said,
“Brother, why do I feel that Sister Xu is getting more