all calls from Lardy, and then he remembered that he seemed to have promised early on that he would help Lardy entertain friends from Los Angeles. He called back immediately.

all calls from Lardy, and then he remembered that he seemed to have promised early on that he would help Lardy entertain friends from Los Angeles. He called back immediately.
“Hey, Li Sheng, you finally called me. Stephen, Ruili, Michelle, and a bunch of friends are now at the ‘Gowery Restaurant’ on the Upper West Side. You
name me, but the guy at the front desk… The beautiful lady even asked us to queue up, please think of a way for me right now, brother, my ‘face’ depends entirely on you.”
The restaurant ‘Goveli’ is quite famous in New York. The beef dishes inside are quite delicious, and the dining atmosphere is also very good. Zhang Lisheng has been there several times.
After listening to Ladi’s noisy complaints, he said something jokingly. “Lardy, there is a first-come, first-served order when you go to the restaurant. Shouldn’t you wait?
If you wait, you will have a seat.” After pressing the cell phone, he directly brought up the ordering number for ‘Gaveli’ and made a call. Explained the situation.
“Oh, since it is your request, there are no seats, so we can only change the seats. Don’t worry, Mr. Li Sheng, I will arrange everything properly.” On
“Thank you, Manager Solace. Goodbye.”After hearing the satisfactory reply, Zhang Lisheng hung up the phone, stopped a taxi on the street, and rushed to the ‘Gaveli Restaurant’.
the way, he received another call from Ladi, “It’s really the style of a ‘celebrity’ brother, no, it should be said that it is the style of a big shot in New York’s ‘Vanity Fair’!
I am now in the best box in ‘Goveli’, this room was originally reserved for New York City Long, but now it belongs to us. The manager personally took the seat and apologized to me repeatedly.” ”
Really? Lardy, I think they are lying to you. What Mayor Michael fears most is beef.” Zhang Lisheng sat in the rental car In the back seat of the car, he held the dead ‘morphing insect’ and looked left and right.
“Whether it’s true or not, I think it’s very honorable, brother. What I need now is for you to show up in person.
/“I’m rushing to the ‘Gaveli Restaurant’ and will be there soon, but I may not be able to stay for too long. ”
You just show up, pay the bill and leave. Li Sheng, I know you are a ‘busy man’.” “Ruddy said with a smile.
/“Oh damn it Ruddy, you are so considerate. “Zhang Lisheng was stunned for a moment and said in a dumbfounded voice.
The taxi turned left and right on the spacious main road in New York and soon sent the young man to his destination. When he
walked into the ‘Gowery Restaurant’, he was immediately greeted by the foreman wearing a neat suit. He came up and bowed politely: “Good afternoon Mr. Zhang, your friends are already waiting in the box, please come with me. ”
“Thanks. “Following the foreman, Zhang Lisheng walked into an elegantly decorated box. When he opened the door, he saw the four brothers and sisters of the Raven family, Stephen, Radi, Ruili, and Michelle, and a group of young men and women who looked curious and expectant. He was sitting around a ro