and I are friends after all. I will ensure your safety when you go up. If you don’t want to stay, I will bring you down safely. But it’s a bit too hasty to think about it now,I still want to do it. To cope with the re-election of Institute 507, I will come to Shanghai to find you after the re-election.”

and I are friends after all. I will ensure your safety when you go up. If you don’t want to stay, I will bring you down safely. But it’s a bit too hasty to think about it now,I still want to do it. To cope with the re-election of Institute 507, I will come to Shanghai to find you after the re-election.”
After that, I reached out and opened the car door. Nagisa looked at the Shen family mansion outside the car door, then slowly looked back at me and said, “I can’t. Go back.”
/“Huh?” I showed a strange expression.
“If I go back, I will cause trouble to Shen Mengtian. Those evil officials will not let it go. They will definitely send people to find you after you leave Shanghai. I don’t want to implicate the Shen family, so I will go with you and accompany you to Beijing.” After saying that, Nagisa’s claws gently hooked the car door handle, and with a “bang”, the car door closed, isolating him from the Shen family mansion where he once lived safely.
The leisurely days in Shanghai did not last long. News finally came from Beijing. Deputy Director Xia’s alliance finally passed the primary election and returned to Beijing.
When I arrived at the base below the Miyun Reservoir, I happened to run into the anxious Deputy Director Xia and others. They were sitting in the conference room whispering, and they all seemed to be in a bad state. This primary election was originally organized by Deputy Director Xia to ensure his own interests, but no one expected that he would be the one to suffer in the end. The alliance was torn apart, and most of the people under several big bosses were also gone. It is said that the man is tired and the horse is exhausted.
As soon as I entered the conference room with my former Riyuro, the people around me immediately looked over and stared at me. Judging from the situation, even Deputy Director Xia’s people are not very united now. Ying Long and Li Huan, who were obviously tricked, sat together. Opposite were Deputy Director Xia’s other men, including the blind fox whose life I spared, but I didn’t see Lord Jin. At that time, I thought Fatty Jin should have died at the foot of Yangding Mountain.
/I still sat in my old seat, looked at the clock on the wall, thought for a moment and said, “Didn’t we say there was a meeting? Why do we have to wait?” I was
n’t tough enough when I came last time, but this time it was different. There was a shout here, and unexpectedly the door behind him opened immediately. Mr. Sha walked in with a large group of people, and Zhong Baiya followed him. When he saw me, his eyes were unkind. This great master has already had murderous intentions towards me, and I am not afraid. Anyway, we will definitely have to take action during the re-election. The boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge. Just because I can’t fight head-on doesn’t mean I can’t come because I’m shady.
“Everyone, please sit down.” When Mr. Sha came in, everyone stood up to greet him. After he waved his hand and spoke, everyone sat back on their chairs.
“This time the p