at Shangqu Mansion on the northern border of Zhao State. In front of them, the young King of Northern Xinjiang personally broke three long arrows.

at Shangqu Mansion on the northern border of Zhao State. In front of them, the young King of Northern Xinjiang personally broke three long arrows.
“The Kingdom of Zhao is at hand right now. Now Liangwu, Dayu and the Bai family are all gearing up to capture the Kingdom of Zhao. But I know that our men in Northern Xinjiang will not let them succeed. I will break my arrow today and swear that I will not break it. Zhao Guo vows not to return to the army, and does not break the capital, and vows not to see the children in his family. The first person to enter Pingnan Mansion will be granted the title of Marquis of Pingnan, and will be given to thousands of households. I will hold a banquet here, and wait for our northern Xinjiang men to capture Zhao and return to the army to drink together. !”
/Looking coldly at the silent black tide in front of him, Baili Xiong, who was full of domineering authority, broke the silver arrow in his hand and threw it to the ground. He waved his cloak and raised his fists to the army in front of him.
“If we don’t break Zhao, we swear we won’t return!”
“If we don’t break Zhao, we
swear we won’t return!” “If we don’t break Zhao, we swear we won’t return!”

The majestic roar echoed in the northern border of Zhao, and the boundless darkness A gap gradually opened in the tide, and a young man holding a magic pestle walked slowly forward. The soldiers who had been slaughtered all around them couldn’t help but give way slightly when they saw this man, as if they couldn’t stand the strong smell of blood on his body.
“Your Majesty, the young monk is willing to go with you.” Shamoni expressionlessly smashed the demon pestle on the ground and said with a fist towards Bai Lixiong.
“Brother Sha…” Hearing the word “Crown Prince”, Bailixiong’s cold cheeks felt a little warm. Today, almost no one in the seven states calls him in that tone anymore. Except for the few young men who fought side by side many years ago, however, things have changed and now only Shamoni is left.
“Don’t worry, Your Majesty, the young monk will follow the army just like those gods and gods, and will never act without authorization.”
“That’s good.”
Baili Xiong breathed a sigh of relief and nodded in agreement. The girl who had the Northern Xinjiang Army in awe was no longer there. The number one killer in the army had turned into the man in front of her who was sometimes cold and sometimes silly. Unlike Qi Ling’er, Shamoni looked down upon ordinary soldiers. , what he likes most is to go to Liangwu or cross the long battle line to Yujun to kill those powerful immortal monks. He often doesn’t see anyone for five or six days. Just when everyone thinks that something unexpected happened to him, they see a bald head. The young man walked slowly with seven or eight heads in his hand. With an indifferent and honest face, he threw the head or the statue in front of the case, then took out the wine bag and staggered towards the back of the military camp.
The Buddha said that there are worms in wine, which hurt