m alive, he will only crazily retaliate against us. To avoid future troubles, I must not Don’t kill him! If anyone tries to follow in his footsteps and act against my orders, Xu Changhui will serve as a warning!” Liu Gan stepped on Xu Changhui’s fallen body and shouted to everyone.

m alive, he will only crazily retaliate against us. To avoid future troubles, I must not Don’t kill him! If anyone tries to follow in his footsteps and act against my orders, Xu Changhui will serve as a warning!” Liu Gan stepped on Xu Changhui’s fallen body and shouted to everyone.
After the previous incidents of the corpse tide, the bridge, and the tornado, Liu Qian originally thought that the team was very united, but he did not expect that Xu Changhui’s incident happened, which made him very disappointed and angry. He had planned to kill Xu Changhui when he was at the dock just now. He had spared his life only to kill him in public to set an example and restore discipline in the team. How could he tolerate Xu Changhui to continue to deceive the public with his lies?
Everyone was already asleep. When they were suddenly woken up, they first heard that Zhou Mingliang had been killed by Xu Changhui, and then saw with their own eyes that Xu Changhui’s head was chopped off by Liu Gan. The blood from his neck spurted all over the floor. The man was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he was so frightened that he could not speak.
“I have a way to kill that mutated zombie that is playing tricks! Listen to me honestly, and I will do my best to ensure your safety! Those who don’t want to follow the team can go to the next safe place. If you leave on your own, I will never stop you! But if you dare to do things behind my back and spread rumors, I will never show mercy when you kill people!” Liu Qian got angry again and turned around to lead Yinhe towards the door of the hall. Went outside.
“Xu Changhui wanted to steal the yacht and kill all of us. He deserves to die!” After Zhang Shengli figured out what was going on, he immediately said a few words to everyone to show his firm position.
“Yes! If we let him steal the yacht, then we will be completely trapped on this island and never want to leave. What he did is too much!”
“He really knows people but doesn’t know their hearts. Look at him. He has always been very honest, but I didn’t expect him to do such a vicious thing.”
/“Master Liu is so kind to us, how could he do such a thing?”
“Well, he is just an ungrateful little boy. People!”
Others also expressed their opinions and expressed their loyalty to Liu Qian and the team. As for whether it comes from the heart, at least no one dares to imitate Xu Changhui and steal a ship.
“Master Liu, Xu Changhui lied to me and said he had a stomachache and went to the toilet. He looked very anxious. I watched them go to the toilet. I was worried that something was going on in the hall so I didn’t follow them. I really didn’t expect them to do such a thing! All of this is It’s my fault, please punish Master Liu!” Wang Decheng chased Liu Qian a few steps and said something to Liu Qian with a look of shame on his face.
“After all, it is a makeshift team. It is not surprising at all that there are a few black sheep in it. Decheng, you don’t have to blame yourself. Take good care of these people together wit