large part by Han Xuan, and the accessories manufactured by themselves will also bring profits. Those factories are independent of the Blueberry Group, and subsidiaries also need to make money when doing business with each other.

large part by Han Xuan, and the accessories manufactured by themselves will also bring profits. Those factories are independent of the Blueberry Group, and subsidiaries also need to make money when doing business with each other.
Even if the selling price threshold is set lower, it will be enough for Han Xuan to make a lot of money. The profits from the sale of software and the boost to the Internet industry are also huge figures that are difficult to estimate. The cost is higher than he imagined. Medium to high, but still within the acceptable range, the price can be set at about US$400 to US$500. Considering that it is a monopoly business, it may be higher.
/When the iPhone 3G version was launched in the previous life, the overall cost was only about US$174. Now it is only 2005, and the price of 8G memory alone is much higher than it was two or three years ago. The cost of about US$300 is quite reasonable. , if operators and Blueberry cooperate, even if it is sold at an ultra-low cost price, those telecom operators will pay Han Xuan a sum of money for this, which is regarded as bundling their own business with mobile phones. In the long run, it will be better than Selling mobile phones alone is more profitable.
He opened the software one by one, and Han Xuan continued while playing on his mobile phone: “I understand what you mean, the cost is a bit high, but considering that I own the patent rights of many technologies, it is my own company that has raised the cost. You don’t need to think about this for the time being. If you build the production line now, can it be put into production within a few months at the earliest? Are there any problems with the production process? I know that things made in the laboratory may not be mass-produced. The process flow Has it been formulated?”
The supervisor heard this and looked at his colleagues, who responded helpfully: “Every time a product is finalized, the news that it may be mass-customized has been conveyed. I believe that the parts suppliers are almost the same. We are already preparing for mass production. If time is tight, the production time should be compressed to ten months. There are no problems with the main technology. The only thing that bothers us at the moment is the battery capacity, which consumes power faster than previous mobile phones. The time is about 240 hours, the talk time is only about eight hours, the talk time under the 3G network is five hours, the Internet time is about five to six hours, the video playback time is six hours, and the audio playback time is 20 hours, which is not enough. All-day demand, which means people have to change the battery one to three times a day. In addition, there are some small problems. You see, your fingerprints are already left on the screen of the mobile phone. We tried to cover the screen with a layer The coating is not easy to leave fingerprints, but the effect is not very good.”
The replaceable battery was Han Xuan’s idea. After all, battery technology in this era was still very backward, and the