everyone’s expectations. Although they encountered many beasts in the jungle that were far more ferocious than tigers and leopards on Earth, none of the ferocious monsters that could cause trouble to the people of the Wumen appeared. The great witch didn’t even take action. A huge circular area with a diameter of fifty kilometers to the north of the camp had been explored.

everyone’s expectations. Although they encountered many beasts in the jungle that were far more ferocious than tigers and leopards on Earth, none of the ferocious monsters that could cause trouble to the people of the Wumen appeared. The great witch didn’t even take action. A huge circular area with a diameter of fifty kilometers to the north of the camp had been explored.
At this point, the time for camp a0001 to move north is completely ripe. The disciples of the witch sect, who have to recite witchcraft spells to drive away witch bugs and walk and fight for more than ten hours every day, finally have two days of rest.
/After the witches returned to camp for the last exploration before taking a rest, Ai Chuhe, who cheered for the stage victory with the witch disciples, finally got the opportunity to speak alone with Zhang Lisheng.
“Zhang Lisheng, where do you sneak away every night? Caiying and I searched several times but didn’t find anyone.
We stayed in the dormitory today. We have something to ask you.” The girl pretended to be excited and hugged the young man, speaking very quickly. He said something in a low voice, turned around and hugged others again.
After cheering for a while, she seemed to slowly calm down, and together with Wang Zhaosheng, whose face was red with excitement because the research results were finally verified in practice, they walked towards the circle of tents surrounded by lampposts in the center of the camp.
After the two left, they looked at the camp that had become noisy due to the preparations for the move. Su Deli, who had become much more mature and capable after seven or eight days of hard work, said: “You guys have worked hard these days. It’s
getting late, so I won’t talk nonsense. , I would like to share the good news for everyone. The development of the campsite has slowed down. In a few days, some disciples from the ‘Shengmen’ may come to the camp to support us. Then we will be safer. In the past two days, Have a good rest and let’s disperse.”
The wizards cheered and dispersed. Most of them looked tired but excited. Only Zhang Lisheng was mixed in the crowd with a frown and remained silent. Min Lan, who was not far away, accidentally saw his frowning face. He looked closer and said jokingly: “Li Sheng, speaking of harvests, you have been the biggest harvester these days.
With Taipingquan, there was not even a single witch bug in the beginning, but now you have caught six or seven, ‘worms’ “Chao Shu’ has gained some momentum. He hugged the beautiful woman just now, why are you still looking sad?” Chapter
375: ‘Exposed’
Looking at the jungle, Zhang Lisheng was silent for a while, then turned to look at Minlan, He lowered his voice and said: “Sister, there is an old saying that ‘if something goes wrong, it will be a monster’.
/Don’t you think it’s been too smooth for us to explore the forest in the ‘Oasis World’ these days? In order to build these campsites, , the Wumen has killed and injured hundreds of disciples, why is it so safe for us to go north now?