erate with our investigation. If there are other questions, I will help report it to the superiors. The shooting in the morning has nothing to do with us. , I will arrange for someone to help with the investigation. I have brought the arrest warrant. That person is in your house, right?”

erate with our investigation. If there are other questions, I will help report it to the superiors. The shooting in the morning has nothing to do with us. , I will arrange for someone to help with the investigation. I have brought the arrest warrant. That person is in your house, right?”
Han Xuan wanted to laugh after hearing this. He had guessed that someone would be sent to contact him before. They never wanted the news. Leaked and caused a scandal.
/But I didn’t expect that a woman who didn’t know anything was sent over. This was a waste of time and completely insincere.
There was no apology for the surveillance behavior, nor was there any idea of ??compensation. He just stretched out his hand and asked himself to be handed over to someone. It would be a joke if he really handed him over.
He turned around and looked at Ms. Larson. The small attic was not luxurious, and there were many books on the shelves. Han Xuan walked a few steps and sat at the desk, looked at her again, and told her: “In June 1997, The CIA, FBI, and NSA jointly established a team. The Treasury Department secretly allocated 20 million US dollars for a top-secret project called Solomon, which forced more than 30 Internet companies, including Yahoo and AOL, to The company provides them with a data port to browse user information. It also requires many telecom operators such as Telephone and Telegraph Company and Verizon to hand over the call, information, and Internet usage records of hundreds of millions of users every day, and conduct special surveillance on important targets. , such as embassy personnel in the United States, senior executives of multinational companies, and foreign dignitaries, including me. My girlfriend’s phone was bugged, my door was bugged, and agents were placed around me, and I was I know nothing about it. So, do you think I care about the arrest warrant in your hand? Assuming that guy is here with me, assuming he brings out important information in Solomon’s plan, shouldn’t I be protecting this kind of resistance to power? A person who protects citizens’ privacy?”
/Knowing the specific plan, in a short period of time, a detailed action report about the Solomon Plan has been sent to Han Xuan’s mailbox. He doesn’t know who sent it to him, but it looks like The content should be true, maybe it was arranged by the old man.
Ms. Larson, who was standing opposite the desk, was stunned. She had imagined that spies stole important information and escaped to Han Xuan, but he was unwilling to hand it over. She also imagined that Han Xuan sent people to steal the information, but at this moment What he learned far exceeded Larson’s expectations.
Whether it was eavesdropping on important people or illegally checking citizens’ privacy, it was an extremely important matter. She finally understood why her boss looked so ugly when she met more than two hours ago, and she also understood why Han Xuan was so angry.
Is the arrest warrant issued by the judge useful in front of Han Xuan?
Ms. Larson didn’t think so. Even if