g and thunder were coming, and violent storms were coming. The guys on the boat were all panicked and ran to the sail one after another. Only the old boatman looked at the guest blankly, with a look on his face. He was so sluggish that he didn’t even notice that the pipe in his hand fell into the sea.

g and thunder were coming, and violent storms were coming. The guys on the boat were all panicked and ran to the sail one after another. Only the old boatman looked at the guest blankly, with a look on his face. He was so sluggish that he didn’t even notice that the pipe in his hand fell into the sea.
The guest finally turned around. Under his broad hat, his eyes were as deep as the deep sea. His gaze was like the top of a huge mountain. The emperor’s aura hit his face. The old boatman trembled all over and couldn’t help but want to kneel down.
In the blink of an eye, the guest flew into the sky, and he forced his eyes open to look. The old boatman couldn’t help but open his mouth wide, and then his face was full of excitement, and he was mumbling something. In the sky as black as thick ink, a nine-clawed black dragon with a body like a shooting star flew towards the north.
The waves came one after another, and the storm overflowed, overturning all the ships in the sea, destroying the cargo and destroying people. Only the ship where the old boatman was was like a leaf falling in the wind, bumping and swaying, and it would always be in trouble when encountering strong waves. Avoid it and walk peacefully in the sea.
In Luzhou in the north, in the depression of Wuming Mountain, a fierce battle is going on.
Zhou Jijun and the three snake men, one on the left and one on the right, attacked the elusive Expulsion God with lightning and thunder. Every time when Expulsion God wanted to write down, the Junzi Sword used his mind to move around, and came with a surprise attack, forcing him to I had to give up if I had to drive away the gods.
/Exorcist is a genius and an unparalleled powerhouse, but he relies too much on those three special skills. From ancient times to the present, those three stunts have accompanied him to success and fame, killing countless strong men. Even if someone can break the first move, they can’t break the second move. Even if they break the second move, no one can break him. Last resort. However, at the moment, the strong man in front of him, who was so young that he was a little jealous, broke the last two moves that he was proud of. What the saint could not do, he asked this young master Jun, who was not more than a hundred years old, to do it. Come on, how can we not make the Exorcist feel hateful and angry.
/In the last round of the war between heaven and earth, he wrote about the gods and Buddhas filling the sky and the Xuantian army of nearly ten thousand, which caused a sensation in the world. But later, the strong man from the Heavenly Palace searched for the book he had written. The book was destroyed and the gods and Buddhas he wrote disappeared. If the backbone is lost, the success will naturally fall short. The technique of controlling the mind can only be used in a solo battle, and will not be effective in a battle involving tens of millions of people. After being defeated at Ji Lei Palace and then defeated at Canghai, the Six Monarchs and Saints parted ways and agreed to purs