ill, and most of it appears in the Dantian. This pill can condense many essences of the demon body. To give an inappropriate example, the demon pill is the most essence part of the demon body, just like the middle part of a watermelon after it is cut open. That piece makes sense!

ill, and most of it appears in the Dantian. This pill can condense many essences of the demon body. To give an inappropriate example, the demon pill is the most essence part of the demon body, just like the middle part of a watermelon after it is cut open. That piece makes sense!
There are big and small demon pills, and the quality also differs. It mainly depends on the demon’s behavior, that is, how long it has lived. This is also the biggest difference between demons and earth beasts. Earth beasts cannot grow such a thing in their lifetime, but demons can. It is said that a demon with a demon elixir can cultivate faster, just like a tractor before the demon elixir, but a car with the demon elixir. There is a big difference.
“Then are the things here valuable?”
The fat man smiled and asked the question he was most concerned about.
/“Of course it’s valuable. You kill demons just to get the elixir. But I don’t know the price on the market today. You can ask knowledgeable people. But I estimate that it won’t be a problem to sell this demon elixir for 200,000 yuan. Demons are legends in the first place. Many people are trying to find the things in the book but still can’t find them. You three guys are so lucky. ”
My dear, you are going to get rich!” I sold this demon pill for 200,000 yuan. Including the other parts of this monster’s body, it must have cost over 100,000 yuan to put together. This two-faced monster dog alone can pay off more than half of the fat uncle’s debt!
“It’s so valuable, hehe.”
/Fatty and Luo Qiong couldn’t stop laughing. Little Luo had been hanging around with Fatty for too long, and gradually started to turn into a string of money.
“But I’m very surprised. How did you three guys kill this monster? No one helped?”
Senior Han asked strangely.
Just when Luo Qiong, this silly boy, wanted to speak, he was stepped on by the fat man. Then the fat man said with a smile: “We are lucky, this monster and the gray wolf fought to death, and we succeeded in sneak attack from behind. I’ll keep your magic weapon for a while, hehe.”
Xiao Luo didn’t understand the rules here. . Senior Han did not help, but only borrowed the magical weapon, which meant that he was not completely sure that he could capture the monster alive. But now the old man’s friend took action and easily captured the monster. Naturally, there was a difference in skill between them. If we tell the truth stupidly, Senior Han will definitely think that we have a bigger helper, and he will probably not be completely interested in us in the future. To put it simply, it’s like you originally asked the second best child in the class for advice, and you said a lot of flattery, but he happily taught you. Unexpectedly, we encountered a big problem, and the second-best child was not sure of it. If you find the best student to help you, then the second best child will definitely feel that you have a new supporter, and will naturally be unhappy.
Although Senior Han is a senior and must have a broad mind, we naturally choose not to talk