“Well, These three are sauguan swords, and the one above is the general sword. When I was a kid, the old man told me the story of the general sword. It is said that there was a time when several regiments of more than 20,000 people surrounded the headquarters of the wild division. At that time, the old man protected the chief. While evacuating, the commander ordered a surprise attack on the opponent’s headquarters. The old man led a guard platoon of about ten people, all of whom were top-notch experts, and raided the opponent’s headquarters in the county overnight, killing three or four of them. Among them was a general. This samurai sword was a trophy given to the old man by the chief. The old man always said that it was the luckiest time in his life.” The fat man wiped the blade of the samurai sword and smiled. said.

“Well, These three are sauguan swords, and the one above is the general sword. When I was a kid, the old man told me the story of the general sword. It is said that there was a time when several regiments of more than 20,000 people surrounded the headquarters of the wild division. At that time, the old man protected the chief. While evacuating, the commander ordered a surprise attack on the opponent’s headquarters. The old man led a guard platoon of about ten people, all of whom were top-notch experts, and raided the opponent’s headquarters in the county overnight, killing three or four of them. Among them was a general. This samurai sword was a trophy given to the old man by the chief. The old man always said that it was the luckiest time in his life.” The fat man wiped the blade of the samurai sword and smiled. said.
“What about this? It looks like some letters from home.” I found a pile of neatly arranged letters from home in the drawer.
The fat man smiled and said: “These are all correspondence between my grandfather and my grandmother. They met during the Liberation War. At that time, my grandfather was injured and lived in a small village. The local people took care of him. Among them were My grandma was the village beauty of the village at that time. She was famous for her beauty, and she was very beautiful. The old man said that he fell in love with my grandma at first sight, but the way he expressed his love back then was more reserved. , so I didn’t say it directly. Later, when my grandfather returned to the army, the two of them began to correspond with each other. These are the testimonies of their love. ”
Love in that era could only be based on letters. It sounded romantic, but in fact, it was romantic. When I think about it, it feels more like a bitter experience.
“I don’t know either. Let’s take a look at these letters. Maybe we can find some clues.” I spread the letters as I spoke. There are three letters in total. There is no mailing address visible on the front, and there is no postmark. It is obvious that they were not sent through the post office. When opened, there was yellowed paper inside.
/“Read one letter each.” The fat man muttered, picked up one letter, opened it and read it.
/“Did you find anything there?” I asked.
“What I have here is that the old man discovered something and informed a certain unit, and the other party sent someone to cooperate with the old man’s surveillance. It seems to be a long time ago. This letter I have is signed, and it is actually still during the Anti-Japanese War. .” Luo Qiong said in surprise.
The fat man said: “If we count according to time, this letter of mine should be the last one. They informed me that my grandfather has successfully recycled that thing, and that this department will no longer be open to my grandfather. I hope that I Grandpa, don’t be anxious for the time being, waiting for the investigation results of the organization and department. It seems that Grandpa has been waiting since then, and he didn’t wait for anything until